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What Clients Say?

This one word says it all. Thank you so much, Nishank Sir, for being with me at the time when I needed it the most. You really helped me a lot to find who I am. On 15th April 2018 I my lost my son (Namah). He was 1yr 3 months old. The day I lost him, it was a full stop to our life, shattered everything in our present. I clearly remember, we had a call a week after all this happened, when I told you everything. On 19th May 2018, we met for the first time and you asked me to tell you everything on my mind. I had a superstitious thought in my mind as well, as my son’s name ceremony was on 15th April 2017 and I lost him on 15th April 2018. With you, I studied life from a positive POV, and it led me to have a positive attitude and I saw my behaviour change with time. Before we met, all I felt was pain and a weight on my shoulders. But after that 90min session, it was a rebirth for me. I felt relaxed, with positive energy; it was like “Identification is a form of escape from the self”. The biggest certificate was given by my wife. As soon as she saw me she said that she can feel the positive vibes in me and she smiled and told me say thank to you from her side as well. Even my friends felt like I was a changed human being. It’s true what they say – “A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change life.” Thank you Nishank Sir, for this session called life. You are my motivation and have helped so many of us to lead life like it should be led. Thank you once again for changing my life; I am now fully prepared to take my life forward.