Guys, today I wanted to share this bizarre incident which took place a while back.
I had injured my lower back by lifting something heavy and for the first time, the pain demanded quite some time to settle. Even as I started getting better, one morning I woke up with pain in my upper back as well. Nothing physical had triggered this pain. My physio checked it and told me that according to her there was some irritation but definitely not to the extent of the pain that I was experiencing.
In general, body ache is a very rare thing for me. So I thought of taking a rather metaphysical approach to this and wondered who all I needed to forgive, let go of or what I was feeling guilty about.
Around 2-3 people and incidents came to my mind and I told myself that I was really willing to forgive all of them from the bottom of my heart. I kept reassuring myself of the same. I practiced the meditation of forgiveness and the inner child by Louis Hay and went to sleep.
One of the incidents was a fight with an Uber driver and I’d spoken to him quite roughly. He was an old guy and as I remembered this incident, I told myself that it’s a pretty ugly to see someone that age work for a living. I really was willing to forgive myself and him, both. The very next morning, when I woke up, the pain was gone. I was beaming with happiness as I started my day.
I booked an Uber and when I sat in the car, I found the very same driver with whom I had had a fight. The very same guy.
Now, I’d been using Uber almost every single day for more than a year and not once did I ever have a repeat driver. And to have that guy on that very day? It honestly felt like something which was destined to happen, something conjured up by the Gods above.
I had a little word with him and I apologized. I told him that I was very sorry to have spoken to him the way that I did, right or wrong aside. In that moment I thought I shed out a huge chunk of my body weight.
And the icing was this – after 30 minutes, when I got out of the car, trust me when I say this, my back pain (both, upper and lower) had reduced by half. The heaviness of pain was replaced by the lightness of forgiving. In this process of forgiving the driver, I forgave myself for being unnecessarily angry.
Guys, my journey of letting go of body weight and inches and more so enjoying and loving my workouts in the last one year was kick-started by merely willing to practice forgiveness on the person I was most angry with and thought could never forgive.
Trust me when I see this, I have never sacrificed on any kind of food. And now, this incident no longer seems bizarre. It just seems to be like what Wayne calls it – a divinely guided co-incidence.
As the old saying goes – where there‘s a will, there‘s a way. When we are willing, the way finds us. We don’t even have to look for it.