I have been on a soul-warming spiritual journey over the last six years and have read, studied and learned a lot about being non-judgemental.
Strangely enough, the one person who has taught me to be non-judgemental the best is the lady on Google Maps.
Now, we all have experienced using Google Maps as we travel from one place to another. And often, we miss out on a turn or a particular exit.
What does Google Maps do in such instances?
It doesn’t start reacting to your mistake by yelling at you –
“Hey moron, why did you not take the turn?”
“You fool, what on Earth were you thinking taking the wrong exit?”
In other words, it doesn’t simply judge you for your mistakes/react to them.
And what does it actually do?
It simply re-calculates and re-routes the journey. That’s it, no questions asked. No profanities or higher decibels used. It guides you and gives you the next best route possible.
Now, here’s another interesting thing. When it re-directs us, we have two options – drive through the extended journey judging ourselves for making that mistake by grunting and criticizing ourselves or simply turning up the music and enjoying one more of our favorite songs.
In that moment, that’s the only choice we have to make.
This is what A Course In Miracles says about judgement – it’s not that we should not judge, but we cannot.
The only judgement that’s true is this – God’s son is guiltless and that there is no sin.
To judge we need to know the past, the present and the future of the entity we are judging and that only one person knows and s/he definitely isn’t a human being.